- Different colors for lines ending in ':', or starting with '*' or '{'
- Assign keywords to be automatically highlighted, like important locations, coworkers' names, customers, taquerias, etc.
- Start sections with a line of underscores and a heading beginning with the '{' character. The heading stands out (red with GVim's "desert" color scheme), and you can jump between sections just like C blocks using ]] and [[ keystrokes.
- Ordinary text (i.e. not specifically formatted for this syntax) looks sane.
Update (4/2/09): I uploaded the script to, where it will be easier to track and update.
Update (1/1/10): Here's an example of how to use this color scheme for course notes.

- 60 underscores (my preference) and a curly brace indicate a new section
- Subsection lines end with a colon (generally followed by bullet points)
- Special or out-of-context notes start with an asterisk
- For separation, or to display a different sort of sub-heading, play with asterisks: '* * *' centered, or '** OLD **' for example
I've also picked up the habit of putting @contexts above unsorted items at the top of my main to-do list, inspired by the GTD approach. The syntax plugin doesn't take advantage of this yet; I'll post another update when that's done.
I'm trying your todolist.vim syntax file - do you have an example "todo list" file I can use to get a feel for "good" usage of this plugin?
Thanks for reminding me, Jon! I've added a realistic screenshot.
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